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ACON for LGBTQI+ support, LGBTQI+ health, as well as, HIV prevention and support.


ACTMindfully for resources about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, including audio and video files.


Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for CBT resources.


Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement provides grief and bereavement education and support for the bereaved and grieving.


BeyondBlue has information and help for depression and anxiety, as well, other mental health related issues.


Black Dog Institute has important information for mood disorders.


Blue Knot Foundation advocates for and provides support to people who have experiences of complex trauma, and those who support them, personally and professionally.


Canteen supports 12 to 25 year-olds dealing with their own diagnosis, a close family member’s cancer or the death of a loved one.


Centre for Clinical Interventions has many evidence-based, self-help CBT resources for many different areas of concern, including perfectionism.


Drug Help by the Department of Health provides information about substance use and resources for those seeking help.


Growth Mindset to gain an understanding in how a growth mindset can help students develop their abilities and confidence. Brainology is a helpful program for those who struggle with perfectionism.


Headspace is a great website with lots of meditation and mindfulness exercises for people interested in learning techniques to calm and still the busy mind. There is an excellent section on the science of mindfulness.


Head to Health can help you find the right Australian digital mental health and wellbeing resources, for yourself or for someone you care about.


Hello Sunday Morning is an Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping people who want to change their relationship with alcohol.


Just Ask Us is a portal for tertiary students to seek help and information about mental health, alcohol and other drug problems.


Kids Helpline is free (even from a mobile), Australian, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.


Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services


MensLine is a telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.


MindSpot Clinic provides free, anonymous assessment and treatment for adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain.


On The Line is an organisation that supports clients with crisis support to low intensity interventions by delivering phone and digital counselling.


Open Arms is a provider of mental health assessment and counselling for Australian veterans and their families.


Phoenix Australia provides important information about trauma.


QLife provides important information, as well as, counselling and referral service for LGBTQI+ people.


ReachOut provides a great platform for young people to find out more information about many different topics, related to mental health and other pertinent areas.


SANDS provides information resources on grief and loss for bereaved parents.


SANE is a national mental health organisation that supports people affected by complex mental health issues.


Schema Therapy to gain insight into this comprehensive and evidence based therapy. Beneficial for those desiring a deeper understanding of unhelpful life or relationship patterns. An excellent approach for creating life changes.


Self-Compassion is a website with information about limiting self-criticism, as well as, provides videos, guided meditations, and other exercises for self-compassion and emotional resilience.


The Australian Parenting Website is a website funded by the Australian Government that provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help familes grow and thrive together.


This Way Up provides evidence-based, internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) programs to reduce anxiety disorders and related mental health conditions.


Transcultural Mental Health Centre provides support to people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.


Way Ahead is an organisation that provides resources to improve mental health and link people to services.


1800RESPECT is the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service that provides support for people experiencing, or at the risk of experiencing, violence and abuse.




ACPA - Find A Clinical Psychologist is a referral service by the Australian Clinical Psychology Association. You can use this to search for registered psychologists with accredited post-graduate qualifications in clinical psychology.


APS - Find A Psychologist is a referral service by the Australian Psychological Society. You can use this to search for registered psychologists.​

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